A practice of knowledge; a practice for life

It is official,  my first semester of graduate school is complete. I made it,  and I only thought about quitting ten thousand times. Well,  maybe not ten thousand but a few. I probably shouldn't admit that,  but then again,  I have made a commitment to speak my truth even if it is not what people want to hear,  or if it changes people's perception of me. Regardless of my sturggle to manage time well,  I love the program,  and consider…

Gift of One, Gift of All

“The first peace,  which is the most important,  is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship,  their oneness,  with the universe and all its powers,  and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit) and that this center is really everywhere,  it is within each of us.” Black Elk – Oglala Sioux I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday of gratitude;  warm hearts,  full bellies…

Union of Love

One of my absolute favorite things to offer is  sacred ceremony and ritual for individuals, couples and families.   I have blessed babies and ushered souls and last week on the auspicious 11-11-11 I had the honor of marrying two of my favorite love birds. I am so grateful for their lenience in my creativity and so inspired by their love.  The ceremony was quite magical, appropriately  held in Sedona along the crisp Oak Creek waters and in the heart of land that speaks wisdom and truth through…

A Lizard in my Pants: Reptilian Reflections

A Lizard in my Pants: Reptilian Reflections I was teaching Thursday night restorative,  a class that has built its self beautifully on the foundation of doing very little and experiencing profound shifts in health and mindfulness from simple asana,  dedicated intention and healing space. Though our attention is typically quick to move within and reconnect to our sacred wholeness,  our class was otherwise engaged in the unexpected arrival of a tiny gecko who had claimed his spot in a crest…