Season of Gratitude

  November has arrived;  it seems with a first class,  next day delivery as I am still looking for the lingering summer heat and more lengthy transition into the cooler offerings of fall,  not to mention I am quite ill prepared for Christmas music and parking-meter garland wrappings. None-the-less,  November is one of my favorite months of the year. The weather is beautiful (at least in AZ),  the food it fantastic,  and the practice of gratitude is reinvented from a…

Season of Balance, A space of Presence

As October comes to an end we take with it a continuing practice of balance and step into a time of year that brings deeper,  quieter and more intuitive contemplation and observation. Traditionally,  the end of October is a very symbolic transformation;  it is when the lighter half of the year ends and transitions into the darker half of the year. In the deep quiet and stillness comes the whisperings of intentions stirring like seeds within the womb of earth,…

Nurture Your Nature: Remember, Reconnect, Restore!

Nurture Your Nature With Robin’s Three R’s: Remember,  Reconnect,  Restore In this modern world of shopping malls and pulsing freeways,  technological gadgets and everything virtual it can be easy to stay in the grind of this sterile and artificial landscape.  As we continue to explore Octobers intention of balance,  this week I will speak of my first greatest love;  nature. When I moved toArizonafromMontanaI was shocked at the development that seemed to spread across the desert land like steady moving…

Are you Balanced in your ALIVENESS?

“The urge for experience is the importance of being alive.” E. Smith As mentioned in last weeks post,  I will be exploring the scales of balance for the month of October;  providing insight and reflection to aspects of our living beyond the yoga mat that tend to leave us feeling disoriented,  unsettled,  over-worked,  under nourished and in disharmony with Self. This week I am excited to incorporate content from my current studies of Somatic Psychology,  coupled with my life experience,…