

Revisit: Feed the Buddha, Love the Bees

This is a post that I wrote a while ago,  however,  I invite you to take the time to revisit it,  as the messages it holds are ones that have been speaking to me much again these days. I feel that often we read something or study something and digest it too quickly,  only to move on to the next new thing,  so take this in again slowly and apply it to where you are at right now in your…

Crisis & Challenge as Opportunity

“The right way to wholeness is made up of fateful detours and wrong turnings.” C.G. Jung It seems that the cosmos are aligning in a manner that is creating what could be perceived as a serious unfortunate events.  For the last few weeks I have heard from all sorts of friends,  family,  and students a steady discussion regarding the turmoil occurring in their lives.  Random acts of weirdness,  unexpected deaths,  health diagnosis,  and accidents. I find it interesting that in…