Know your Nature

Hike2010 (56)I am continuously enamored and inspired by the diverse beauty and intelligence of the natural world.  I spend most of my time outside, on a mountain, in my garden, at the park.  I study the behavior of plants and animals. I attune my senses to the elements and the sensations they evoke within my being.  I walk bare foot and burry my hands in the richness of fresh soil. I eat flowers and cacti fruits from indigenous plants. I share my tea with bees and join in the song of early morning birds. I turn over stones and talk to the mountains.  Why?  Because, I am on a spiritual path of Self-knowledge, and I see myself in the natural world that surrounds me.  As I better respect, understand and more wholeheartedly connect to nature, I improve my relationship to myself and I see the reciprocity between me and the world that sustains my aliveness.

Our bodies are quite resilient and have an innate capacity to heal them selves.  They are brilliant designs of adaptation, natural law and complex and systematic order.  They run themselves.  All day long our breath breathes us, our heart pumps blood, our transmitters fire and wire, our food digests itself, and all the while we go on about our daily routine without having to control or regulate these incredible processes with our ‘thinking mind’.  This is the same great intelligence of nature that governs the march of the penguins and encourages the flower to open its petals.  This is the same intelligence that speaks from the heart when we are looking for deeper knowing and intuition.  These are the processes that lead us out of the mind and into the potency of our pure creation.  Beyond the inner workings of the physical world there lies the nature of true Self, a beautiful soul reflection of the Divine Creators’ masterpiece.  Just as there are not two of the same snowflakes, there are no two of the same you.  Each one of us is an extraordinary composition of the miracle of life.

As a mother, healer, teacher, therapist and writer I am devoted to helping people arrive to a deeper understanding and connection to their inner nature, as well as their outer nature.  As I see it, the two are very much the same, reflections and extensions of one another, both working collectively towards a greater evolution of harmonious living and Self-realization.  As we individually tend to our inner seeds and cultivate restoration and soul harvesting, we begin to create a collective respect and much needed renewal.

We are stepping into a time of remembrance and we are shifting back to a more balanced way of living in harmony within our selves and within this magnificent Earth-ship.  We are remembering that our very bodies are an extension of the Earth, and that our Spirit is supported by the same winds that carry our feathered friends.  We are remembering that we are all One, collective Earth people and we are moving in a direction of greater internal and external healing.  As we improve our relationship to the natural world and begin to identify to it as part of our being, we will begin to create a new paradigm of living that is both self and eco-sustaining.

In the weeks to come I will be paying particular attention to the Eco-Self in our process of physical, psychological and spiritual growth.  I am also honored to be introducing an incredibly wise friend and guest blogger who will be sharing his views of balanced living from a spiritual and Indigenous perspective.

Nature is medicine, nature is what is real, nature is a reflection of ourselves, and nature is the oldest and wisest of teachers.


Robin Afinowich

“Science tells us that nothing in nature, not even the tiniest particle, can disappear without a trace. Nature does not know extinction, only transformation. If God applies this fundamental principle to the most minute part of His Universe, doesn’t it make sense to assume that He applies it also to the soul of man? “–Wernher Von Braun.

Please pass this along, its not about me, its about the the messages….the more people, the more awareness, the more awareness, the more people restored, the more people restored, the better our world will become.

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