

Lessons from a Doughnut

When my youngest son was in preschool, we went on a field trip to Krispy Cream doughnuts. The gaggle of 4 and 5 year-olds were ecstatic to learn how the donut masters make something so delicious. My son instructed me to pay very close attention to the recipe (of course to be replicated at home). We had a behind the scenes, VIP pass to a sweet-tooth haven. We got to mix, pull, bake and of course taste the frosted delights.…

I did it! Now what?

Treatment ended at the turn of the year and that I can officially claim REMISSION.  YES!!! My energy is slowly returning, just enough to get to the mountain and into the garden and gently on my mat.  I am beyond grateful that I am able to participate in my children’s lives by attending soccer games and concerts, to be able to take them to the park and movies and play with them for hours as opposed to the occasional minutes…

Flight of the New Moon

My ritual practices for closing out this year began on the Winter Solstice.  I find it no coincidence that on that very morning, nature as she often does, gifted me with a most magnificent and symbolic spectacle.  I was lying in bed and contemplating the nature of birds, my healing, my feelings of oppression.  I was imaging what it would be like to leap from the tallest branches and coast along sheer sky or,  the sense of freedom a bird…

Spring and the Sacred Cucumber

I woke early this morning with the rise of the sun and found my contemplative throne in the heart of my garden. I was surrounded by the nights lingering chill and the early call of the songbird’s elated chatter.  I was mesmerized by the refreshing light cast from the power of the great sun, and watched as its rays delicately lay themselves upon each stone, atop each fallen leaf, and along the backs of the China Berry tree branches.  As…