For the Love of Art





I am a firm believer in the need to express our selves through various creative modalities.  Our creative capacity is something that flows from the soul, and gets blocked from the critical mind.  Too often we don’t create because we are led to believe that a masterpiece should be made.  Our inner self-critic over-rides the playful innocence that wants to color outside the lines and create things that are abstract and imperfect.  We attach to the end result rather than allow our selves to move freely and spontaneously, enjoying the process and the experience of this incredibly liberating and healing practice.  It is in our nature to express and communicate through image, sound, texture, or movement.  All of which becomes a colorful voice for the wisdom hidden in the other dimensions of Self.

Soul Arts, as I like to call them, are an insightful and informative tool for understanding the inner workings of the psyche and emotions.  They can be used to help release unhealthy patterns, unblock your creative energies and bring forth a surge of expression, reflection and freedom.  Such expression is a potent tool for recognizing and working in conjunction with archetypal images, dream states and intuition.

I have always been a visual person, though never formally trained in art.  I have no real method, though I do tend to recreate dreams and visions and these pieces are developed over the course many months, even years.  This process does require a large dose of patience and many large erasers.  I don’t use fancy paints or canvas; I use markers, watercolors, pencils and crayons, glue sticks and glitter.  When I am discouraged with the processes of drawing, I use images from magazines or work with clay or metal.  I don’t know perspective or depth, or how to shade or draw a straight line or perfect circles, and I don’t care!

My art is for me, for my process of self-reflection, acceptance and integration.  It goes beyond the ‘story’ and into a realm where language does not dominate.  Image is believed to be the language of the soul, and for me the process of creating brings me closer to Spirit.

Three simple Soul Art ideas:

1.) Grab some paper and your kid’s box of crayons and scribble, doodle, draw outside the lines and enjoy every second of it.  Look within the doodle and develop something that surfaces.  Then hang it on the refrigerator.  Yes, hang it on your refrigerator.  Then do it again, and again.

2.) Having a bad day?  Get the biggest piece of paper and a red crayon (or any color that naturally calls to you) and randomly scribble with frustration, then step back and look at it, see that the anger does not define you, look at it objectively, allow it to be outside of yourself.

3.) Go to the thrift stores and collect old magazines, cut and paste images…don’ think about it too much, if you are drawn to an image, use it.  It doesn’t have to make sense or be a vision board, just a hodge-podge of images that you are moved by.   Let them tell you a new story.

The more we allow our selves to create without judgment, the more we will be able to create our life without the inner critic that usually sabotages and blocks our flow.  You will be breaking more patterns that you realize and the humble processes of accepting imperfection will bring great self-compassion and inspiration.

Stay tuned, art and somatic workshops soon to come!

From my inner scribble to your inner scribble,

Robin Afinowich









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