

Post Traumatic Growth

There is a significant rise in the understanding and exposure to Post Traumatic Stress (PTS).  Note, I do not refer to PTS as a disorder (PTSD).  Some more progressive Somatic clinicians feel that PTS is a biological and evolutionary response to a traumatic event.  It is not a disorder but rather a naturally systemic and primal response to threat.  The concept of ‘trauma’ is becoming a more common sensitivity to psycho-social conversations.  As a person who has dedicated most of her life, education and career…

A horse named Halo

My stomach rolled with anxiousness and excitement, like a little girl getting to pick her first pony.  Stacey lead me to the barn where half a dozen stunning rescue horses awaited their call to duty.  I wanted to work with all of the horses; each seemed to share something unique and deeply appealing.  However, it was Halo that captured me and drew me in.  Her crisp, sea-blue eyes, braided mane and black and white prints were breathtaking.  Her beauty was…

For the Love of Art

        I am a firm believer in the need to express our selves through various creative modalities.  Our creative capacity is something that flows from the soul, and gets blocked from the critical mind.  Too often we don’t create because we are led to believe that a masterpiece should be made.  Our inner self-critic over-rides the playful innocence that wants to color outside the lines and create things that are abstract and imperfect.  We attach to the end…