Full Moon Practices


In India the full moon is referred to as the Guru Purnima (moon), the Guru and the moon are considered the source of wisdom.  The moon is also believed to represent our intuition, mind, emotions, creativity, sensitivity, and the great feminine power.  The full moon brings closure, death (to a situation or feeling), change, rebirth, and manifestation. It is a time where we can reflect on those things that no longer serve and give ourselves honor and nourishment in releasing them. The moon corresponds to the element water and invites us to remember our connection to the oceans held within earth, as well as the oceans of water contained within our own bodies.  Water invites movement, flow, a breaking through of built up physical, energetic, and emotional resistance. Water is the element that sooths and clams through steady, cool dissolve. There is an ancient belief in India that claims the wisdom of the moon controls the water and is therefore, the cup of immortality; the drink of ‘Amrta’, the drink of the Gods.  Many ancient and traditional belief systems around the world consider the Full Moon as the most auspicious time.  It is said that Deities, Divine Spirits and Ascended Masters who live in other dimensions visit the earth-plane on a full moon day to bless all creatures and beings with the light of Grace.  For Buddhists, there is considerable religious significance of the full moon day. The Buddha was born on a full moon day.  His renunciation was on a full moon day. His Enlightenment was on a full moon day.  The delivery of his first sermon was on a full moon day, as well as many of his most important teachings and events over the course of his life.  And, of course to follow suit, the Buddha’s death was on a full moon day.  The full moon is considered a ‘breakthrough’ day as most people were enlightened during this time.  It is believed the full moon day can bring spiritual clarity and inspiration from the Divine. The gates to true knowledge are opened within our hearts and we have the greatest opportunity to achieve peace and absolute freedom.

Regardless of your religious beliefs, new or old, the full moon is a wonderful opportunity to create tradition and ceremony.  By practicing ceremony and acknowledging our own inherent nature as a part of the great web of life we learn to appreciate our connection to all things, and we are then less likely to separate ourselves and take for granted the natural elements and processes of the world.  As we establish a sense of Oneness we open ourselves to the rhythms of nature and gain insight and inspiration into the essence of life, transformation and the Divinity held within and around us.

Suggestions for Full Moon Day practices:

  • Observe the sun rise and sun set, it is the beautiful counterpart to the overlay of the moon. Watch nature respond to light, notice how you feel, contemplate its arrival and decent.
  • Observe the shifts at dawn and dusk, again notice the fall of light cast upon the world around.  Notice how your internal experience shifts.
  • Meditate!!!  This is an auspicious time of great observance and contemplation.  If you regularly meditate, lengthen the time or change location to outdoors if possible.  If you are new to meditation, this is a perfect time to begin.  Through meditation we invite our awareness to connect to the knowledge of all great masters.
  • Simplify!!  Limit unnecessary distractions from your life.  Determine what really serves and sustains you. Traditionally, many cultures fast or cleanse on this day.  If eating, choose light foods and don’t over eat.  Try to refrain from electronics and technology. Step into nature.  It doesn’t have to be for the whole day, even an hour or two will suffice.  Remember, the answers to spiritual awakening and clarity are already held within us, there is no need to seek beyond.   Speak less, with more meaning.  Do less with more intention.
  • Revisit teachings from your Guru or Religion, not for answers but rather to create and internal ‘feeling state’ from those things that have previously inspired you. Honor and humbly ask for guidance, blessings and Grace.

Suggestions for Full Moon Night practices:

  • Journal. Become aware of those things you do out of habit, fear, or insecurity. Bring awareness to feelings, relationships, and circumstances that are interfering with your spiritual path and progress. Make a commitment to your Self to remove toxic circumstances.  What are ways that you can consciously choose to reframe you thoughts, emotions and life. Write out positive affirmations. Rather then saying, ‘I no longer want to be negative’, write ‘I invite a positive outlook on life.’
  • Paint, draw, work with clay or any other artistic media.  Your intention is not to make a masterpiece, you are allowing for divine expression to move through you, just as the flow of water sustains life in all things, expression sustains our ability to share our own unique essence.
  • Dance and play instruments or listen to music; enjoy vibration it is amplified on the full moon and an incredibly potent form of healing.
  • Creatively and intuitively develop an evening ceremony to remove these unhealthy elements.  For example: write down on a piece of paper those aspects you wish to release.  Then place them into a flame or small fire and as they burn claim your freedom.  You may also find a stick (perhaps from a meditation sunset hike) and wrap it with twine.  The twine represents those things that bind you. Place the stick in a fire and as it burns allow the flame to bring release to the negative holding of that which was constricting your growth.
  • Moon gaze, for as long as you can. Notice the light of the moon on nature, contrasted to your morning observation of the sun. Take note to your internal sensations. Look for the moons aura, the ring of light surrounding it.  Listen for animals, they come out more on nights of the full moon.
  • Perhaps even sleep beneath the moon and blanket yourself in its wise light and infinite potential.
  • Take a salt bath or go for a swim.  Surround yourself with water and align deeper with the pull of the moon on our internal tides.
  • Keep it simple and well intended, give all your actions great meaning and they will naturally unfold into your full moon traditions that you can practice every month if you so choose.
  • Meditate!! Seek your guides and surrender to the potential of closure and rebirth.

Suggestions for Full Moon Yoga practice:

  • Focus on hip or heart openers.  Hips relate to our holding of emotions, the heart corresponds to our inner wisdom and is believed to speak the language of the soul.  (Forgive the self plug: On full moons I always create special classes to help open the body, heart, and mind)
  • Flow and Restorative practices are beneficial, perhaps combine aspects of both.  Begin with sun salutations, and standing poses flowing from one breath to the next (think of water element dissolving the tension).  Then work your way to the floor for deep, gentle, supported poses that promote relaxation and mindfulness. Envision the water settling and become a calm, reflective lake promoting mental tranquility.
  • Incorporate pranayama, breathing techniques, such as Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril), Sama Vritti (equal ratio) or for a cooling element, Sitali.
  • Meditate, yes, again!
  • Practice mantra and chanting to raise your vibration.  One of the most traditional full moon mantras is the Gayatri Mantra (my favorite).  I recommend if you are not familiar with it picking up a copy (another self plug: or come to my class)  I suggest perhaps starting with Deva Premal, the album Essence.  The following is the Sanskrit variation:

Aum Bhoor Bhuva Swaha

Tat Savitur Varenyam

Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi

Dhiyoyo Na Pracho Dhayat

May there be peace on levels of existence, mortal, immortal and divine.  May our heart and souls inspire the intellect to take the right action at the right present time.  May we always be willing to meditate and contemplate the divinity of Self that resides within.

Enjoy your connection to the full of the moon, both day and night.  Create intentions and practices that honor the rhythms of life as well as our great teachers who used this auspicious time to bring enlightenment and true knowledge to us all.  Awaken to your own unique inner beauty and Divine expressions.  Listen to your spiritual needs and honor you journey in this purging, healing and inspiring time.  May you slow down, simplify, observe, contemplate and seek your truth from within your own heart. May you trust who you are and surrender to the Grace of the Great Mystery!

With love and light, Robin

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