My Journey: Part 1

My Journey: Part 1

As I child I used to sit and contemplate the vastness of the universe,  trying to understand the inherent nature of things. I was amazed at the expansion that created my reality,  the furthest stars a million light years away,  to the tiniest ant under my feet,  to the billions of people that occupied our one planet. I would wonder and search my mind for the answers to life,  our purpose,  and why and how I fit into it all. Was I as captivating as the leaves on the tree? Was I something people could wonder about and find Grace in? I would try to understand human relationships; pain,  love,  fear and joy. I would explore my body with random movements,  forms and sounds.I would hold my breath to see if my thoughts would stop moving.  I was much more content being away from people and found reprieve connecting to the gifts of nature. I befriended many critters,  examining them with kind and gentle curiosity. I would talk to the wind and the moon and call the storm clouds in when I wanted to dance in the rain. It didn’t matter to me if it worked;  I was in love with my imagination,  and the possibility of being with the Great Spirit that gave me power to believe in something greater than my minds understanding. Some of my fondest memories were of playing alone outside on a hill that overlooked a winding river branching through a vast Montana valley. For hours I would sit and watch,  observing every little detail and sensation around me and within in me.  I was content with simplicity and though I was young,  I felt old. I knew this meant I had something important to give. I sat looking down on a world that I felt so fare removed from,  but knew I had a place and a special part,  as all of us do. I would envision the day that I would leave and be set free;  I would fly like a bird with strong wings and know my place among the people in the world for the first time.

Join me on Friday for my next post as I continue with Part 2: My Journey Inward. Until then,  take a moment in your day to reflect on the innocence and wonder of your childhood.

Here are some playful suggestions….TLC (Take it,  Leave it or Change it)

Ask questions, big ones,  don’t assume we know just because we are grown up,  be humbled and inspired by the complexity and mystery of the universe.

Try something new,  explore! Once I challenged myself to get in and out of my neighborhood driving only through allies and no streets….an occasional side walk, yes, but it certainly become an adventure.

Make a new friend, ask them their favorite color.  Ask them what makes them happy and what they want to be when they grow up….why not?  Most of us are still trying to figure that out!

Color or finger paint…..who cares if its not the highest quality Crate and Barrel paint set!  DO NOT be concerned with how it looks,  as fare as I know,  most of you still have two ears,  so the need to out-stage Van Gogh with a Crayola masterpiece is entirely unnecessary…… remember part of the healing of innocence is tapping into a time before our ego constructed such a contorted reality.

Go to a park and SWING,  I PROMISE the butterflies in your tummy will be so happy to be remembered!

Laugh,  giggle,  be hysterical….it’s bubbling inside and awaiting expression!

Lay on a blanket outside,  watch the clouds shift in and out of pictures, breathe light into them and watch them dissolve.

Most importantly: Reconnect to your inherent truth,  purity and limitless imagination that once gave you the power to believe that you could grow up and do anything!

Looking forward to sharing Sacred Healing Arts with you on Friday!

Peace and Possibilities

Robin Afinowich





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