Woman Born of this Earth; 2013 Year of the Feminine


MotherEarthNoTextAs we step a month deeper into 2013 may we be inspired to step deeper into the Sacred Feminine within all beings.   This is the year when the feminine energy is remembered, reawakened, and honored.

There is feminine presence in all expressions of creation, so gentlemen you are not off the hook.  This time is for you as well.   Within each of us there is a beautiful relationship of masculine and feminine characteristics.  Masculine energy (which is of course found in women as well) tends to revolve around practical thinking, emotions such as anger or fear, and actions that are governed by the ego such as the need to control, persuade, categorize or dominate.  Feminine energy on the other hand (which is of course found in men as well) is correlated to creative and intuitive expressions, intense emotions, actions are governed more from the heart such as surrender, faith, forgiveness, and love.

Whether man or woman, these feminine attributes are what we want to cultivate and embody in our sacred living.  This is the era of the awakened wo-man and it invites us to:

–       Dissolve the illusions of fear and separation

–       Break unhealthy patterns and habits

–       Think less and feel more, journey out of mind and into heart

–       Remember that love, peace and clarity is stronger and more effective than anger

–       Believe that faith has more bearing and influence than science

–       Celebrate and nurture our bodies

–       Express, write, dance and play

–       Listen to our intuition

–       To tap into creativity and intuition

–       Showcase our authentic voice, visions and services to the world

–       Trust, forgive, surrender and open to possibility

–       To love ourselves deeply and intimately and then from this source share our love with others

–       Nurture our children, even if you are not a mother, the feminine energy is mother to all beings

–       Nurture the Earth, she is our home, our eternal womb and she is the greatest of feminine powers.

For us woman, it is indeed an extraordinarily important and inspiring era.  We are reclaiming the potency of our sacred, feminine, Earthly Self and in this process we are raising the vibration to a more compassionate, healing and balanced way of living.  We are attuning to the wisdom of our ancestors and applying our visions and gifts to a modern world that has been built largely from illusion and separateness.   We are creating community, ceremony and ritual.  We are giving birth to a new world.  We are not holding back from doubt or oppression, we are not waiting for permission or self-sabotaging, we are jumping into this era with our powerful authenticity and open hearted faith, and we are collectively, and most beautifully, rewriting the legacy of the woman.

Hers is my first written legacy honoring the sacred feminine.

Woman born of this Earth

Woman born of this Earth, I am here tending her soil and growing my own roots.

Woman born of this Earth, I am strong and firm like a mountain.

Woman born of this Earth, I am soft like the silk spun from the web of the wise spider.

Woman born of this Earth, I am fertile and bare children like lush fruit from the summer harvest.

Woman born of this Earth, I am rich and colorful like the colors cast upon the horizon of the setting sun.

Woman born of this Earth, I am ever evolving, always transforming like the seasons of change.

Woman born of this Earth, my heart gently opens like the petals of an awakened rose.

Woman born of this Earth, I am fragrant like a forest of cedar and pine after April showers.

Woman born of this Earth, I am an ancient crone steeped in wisdom and healing.

Woman born of this Earth, I lay the dead in your tender womb.

Woman born of this Earth, I am sister to all four-legged, two-legged, winged ones, creepy crawlers and finned ones.

Woman born of this Earth, I am passionate like the heat of a volcano.

Woman born of this Earth, I am clear and see truth like the reflection of a winter lake.

Woman born of this Earth, I am mysterious like the uncharted waters of the ocean.

Woman born of this Earth, I am sensitive like a sprouting seedling.

Woman born of this Earth, I am sweet like the honey of bees.

Woman born of this Earth, I am mighty like the winds of the August monsoon.

Woman born of this Earth, I give, sustain, respect and nourish all life.

Woman born of this Earth, I am full of possibility like the endless night’s sky.

Woman born of this Earth, I am like leaves on tree branches as I reach for the light.

Woman born of this Earth, I am wild and free.

Woman born of this Earth, I am her and she is me.


May you walk in beauty,

Robin Afinowich

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