eco spirit


Wisdom Within Weeds

The chaos amongst me is but the confusion within me.  The more neglected my yard, the more out of balance my inner ecology seems to be.   I don’t super love a perfectly manicured landscape as I appreciate the wild wisdom that grows outside the lines of control.  Nature is messy, brilliantly adaptive and it is smart and purposeful in its ordering of systems despite the conditioned perception of a colonized mind.  However, every now and again I do thin out the congestion…

Pura Vida

I travel the world to awaken paths within my inner landscape less known.  Yes, I appreciate and often adhere to the philosophical belief, “where ever you go, there you are.” One should not rely on outer stimuli for inner peace.  However, humans develop a sense of identity and purpose, through people and place.  Humans are also complex nervous systems that react to the environment and are composed of a unique physiology that emulates ecological systems and sustainable, growth-oriented living.  We…

Conversations with Death

At a distance, creeping along the horizon I heard a curious hum of the Cicada chorus steadily approach like a wave in the full belly of the sea.  As the vibration grew closer it intensified like a like a flash flood breaking through the forest…the high pitched buzzing and unavoidable magnitude of their song echoed in the walls of my mind, eroding my own thoughts so that I could not think of anything other than the presence of their sound…