Energy Medicine & Testimonial

I integrate various modalities in my healing work to promote restoration on all dimensions of self.  Many times with clients we simply establish talk-therapy, other times we move the body through yoga or a somatic, releasing practice.  Sometimes we establish sacred practice and meditation, and most of the time I combine them all.  Regardless, each of these therapeutic approaches is shifting energy patterns in the body-mind, self-spirit.  It is through shifting unhealthy patterns that balance is restored and we can return to our natural state of good health and ease.

Beneath, above, around, and within everything there is energy (I often think of it as Spirit).  Sometimes the energy is weak, sometimes it is strong, sometimes it moves too quickly, sometimes it is blocked.  Energy carries our psyche, our stories, our emotions, our suffering and imbalance.  It also feeds our healing and creativity and awakens us from the subtle layers.  Energy is deeper than thought, and it is the intention behind language, it is the force that sustains muscle, bone, heart and breath.  It is infinite and boundless, and it is, in my humble opinion, one of the most potent methods of medicine because it is the root of all things.  To be well in a holistic sense we attempt to get to the core of the issue.  With energy medicine we go beyond the story of the mind, the cells in the body and directly to the source where it all begins.  It is a tender and humble practice and one must be willing to listen to the frequency deep beneath the layers and remain a clear channel.  In this vast inner landscape of Self there are portraits of information, universal images, wells of possibility, unlimited paths of wisdom, and lifetimes of messages.  Through witnessing, shifting, distributing, cleansing/removing and building energy, this form of healing brings natural balance and restoration to body, mind and soul.

I have never fit into any box or category with ease, and my energy work is a unique blend of its own.  Here is a recent letter and testimonial:

“I have been in the field of energy medicine for the last fifteen years as an Acupuncturist and Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and, as such, have seen first hand the powerful results that can be attained by working with the body’s energy to treat a wide variety of physical and emotional conditions.  I have also had the good fortune to work with several practitioners that use various energy ‘techniques’ to treat my own health issues, but it has been rare indeed for me to find someone as talented in these methods as Robin Afinowich is with her Reiki practice.

Every now and again, someone will come along that combines a deep, intuitive understanding of the complexities of the energetic ‘world’ with a firm grasp of scientific and psychological knowledge and I believe that I have found that in Robin.  To use the term ‘Reiki’ to define her work would be to limit its scope – she pulls from a variety of modalities that include, but are not limited to, Reiki, Shamanism, Transpersonal and Somatic Psychology, Buddhist and Tantric Philosophy, as well as a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology – and I’ve found her results to be much greater than the sum of its parts.

In addition, Robin brings to her work a sense of profound compassion and empathy which, in my opinion, is paramount in a practitioner of the Healing Arts.  Perhaps due to her own life experiences or for reasons we are not always able to grasp, she seems to have a gift that allows her to understand – either cognitively or intuitively – what is needed to allow a deep healing to occur.  In addition, there is a sense of  selflessness, sincerity and gravity that she brings to this process while holding herself to a standard of accomplishment and professionalism that one would want and expect from a serious practitioner of Energy Medicine.  I wholeheartedly recommend her work and believe that she has a great deal to offer to her clients and to the future of her profession.”

Rachelle Marmor, L. Ac.


If you are interested in a session, please email,


Robin Afinowich



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