

Summer Solstice: A Time for Power

I make an effort to not pay too much attention to the numbers; 108, 111, 118, 120…. It’s all just dam hot. In Arizona, it is easy to be discouraged with the summer; the unforgiving heat manages to drain motivation and oppress the excitement that summer is supposed to bring. I often wish my kids had the grace of Montana summers when everything seemed so simple; creek side play, walks to ice cream shop, sling-shots, building bikes, spending the day…

Flight of the New Moon

My ritual practices for closing out this year began on the Winter Solstice.  I find it no coincidence that on that very morning, nature as she often does, gifted me with a most magnificent and symbolic spectacle.  I was lying in bed and contemplating the nature of birds, my healing, my feelings of oppression.  I was imaging what it would be like to leap from the tallest branches and coast along sheer sky or,  the sense of freedom a bird…

Interview with AZ Yoga Community Blog

Hi all, It's been too long since I have posted.  I assure you things will be up and running again soon.  My life has directed me to an unexpected turn of events and challenges, all of which are going to enable me to embody the practice, wisdom and faith with a new perspective and a deeper courage.  I am blessed to have a team of warriors who are planning pysdo-secrect missions to help me navigate this challenging course.  To hear…

A horse named Halo

My stomach rolled with anxiousness and excitement, like a little girl getting to pick her first pony.  Stacey lead me to the barn where half a dozen stunning rescue horses awaited their call to duty.  I wanted to work with all of the horses; each seemed to share something unique and deeply appealing.  However, it was Halo that captured me and drew me in.  Her crisp, sea-blue eyes, braided mane and black and white prints were breathtaking.  Her beauty was…