

Spring Renewal: Death of A ChinaBerry Part 2

This week I watched the towering dead China Berry release her brittle-bone branches one by one. The sheer magnitude of her ginormous limbs crashing to the ground at the pull of a chainsaw was both terrifying and astounding, saddening and liberating.  In her destruction the thunderous roar announced her decent in a most chilling way. A powerful scream echoing her departure from the sky she once stood magnificently within, pulling wisdom from the moon, life from the sun, strength from the…

Declare to Be Aware, Turn of the 12 Moons

I wonder if I should be spreading my mind across the Internet searching for what the astrological charts, mystics or latest new age teachers are prophesizing for the New Year. I wonder if I should be making lists of all the things I intend to do, or lists banishing all the things I shouldn’t do. I wonder if I should be stepping on the scale and measuring my waistline or cleaning out my desk drawers. I should probably be focusing…

I did it! Now what?

Treatment ended at the turn of the year and that I can officially claim REMISSION.  YES!!! My energy is slowly returning, just enough to get to the mountain and into the garden and gently on my mat.  I am beyond grateful that I am able to participate in my children’s lives by attending soccer games and concerts, to be able to take them to the park and movies and play with them for hours as opposed to the occasional minutes…

Slowly Surfacing

My last full asana practice was in July.  After 4 surgeries on the chest, back, and armpit and 6 months of intense cancer treatment I can barely hold myself up in down dog, plank is a shaky quake, my hips are like wishbones waiting to split, and my toes might as well be in Long Island. It will be months before I am ‘back’…. And really, what does that matter….I am alive, and I have my breath. My body has…