

Dear Winter

Hello Winter.  It is officially your season, though we have been hibernating for many months and seasons in our secure and isolated little dens with our stockpiles of goodies and a select few to keep us company. Your extra-long presence in this epic and historical year has been a practice of quiet endurance, virtuous patience, and awkward, unyielding acceptance.  It has been a time to prioritize, contemplate, and simplify.  A time to be wise in waiting, to study what is,…

Declare to Be Aware, Turn of the 12 Moons

I wonder if I should be spreading my mind across the Internet searching for what the astrological charts, mystics or latest new age teachers are prophesizing for the New Year. I wonder if I should be making lists of all the things I intend to do, or lists banishing all the things I shouldn’t do. I wonder if I should be stepping on the scale and measuring my waistline or cleaning out my desk drawers. I should probably be focusing…

Conversations with Death

At a distance, creeping along the horizon I heard a curious hum of the Cicada chorus steadily approach like a wave in the full belly of the sea.  As the vibration grew closer it intensified like a like a flash flood breaking through the forest…the high pitched buzzing and unavoidable magnitude of their song echoed in the walls of my mind, eroding my own thoughts so that I could not think of anything other than the presence of their sound…

Flight of the New Moon

My ritual practices for closing out this year began on the Winter Solstice.  I find it no coincidence that on that very morning, nature as she often does, gifted me with a most magnificent and symbolic spectacle.  I was lying in bed and contemplating the nature of birds, my healing, my feelings of oppression.  I was imaging what it would be like to leap from the tallest branches and coast along sheer sky or,  the sense of freedom a bird…